My path

It was not until the middle of my life (in my early 40s) that I decided to complete training as a psychotherapist. I grew up in Carinthia, and after pursuing Scandinavian and German studies in Vienna, I spent many years of my adult life abroad, including in England, Denmark, Belgium and Germany.

In addition to my work as a psychotherapist, I was professionally at home in an international and university environment. When I was in my early 40s, I realized that I was neglecting one part of my personality and that my career was too one-sided. That's why I set out on a journey to find the raison d'être for this other pole, which no longer wanted to be oppressed.

For me, this path has allowed me to discover sides of myself that are more diverse and complex than were evident on my original path. Since I have gotten to know this side of myself and acknowledged it, also not neglecting the other side, but using its strengths too, I recognize that life strives for a balance in which the poles that make you can be seen and experienced, allowing you to become the person you really are.

Curriculum Vitae

Mag. Karin Lagger

since 2019Carrying out psychotherapeutic - / analytical work in private practice
2017 – 2022Candidate at the Austrian Society for Analytical Psychology (ÖGAP)
2017 – 2020Clinical internships in psychiatric departments of SMZ-Ost and Otto-Wagner-Hospital (OWS)
since 2017Gerontopsychosocial Advisor (agenetwork, Vienna)
2016Böhmer-Laufer Psychosocial internship at the Maimonides Center, Vienna
2015 – 2016Propaedeuticum at the Vienna Psychoanalytical Academy
2014 – 2022Research Coordinator at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)
since 2014Non-medical practitioner of psychotherapy (Nuremberg Health Agency, Germany)
since 2014Certified Psychological Advisor (VFP, Germany)
2014Internship in the Therapeutic Workshop of the City Mission Nuremberg, Germany
2008 – 2014Research Coordinator at Universities and Research Institutes in Germany and Austria
2000 – 2007Personal Assistant for Deputies in European Institutions in Brussels
1994 – 1999Studied Scandinavian and German Studies at the University of Vienna

Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten / Publikationen

2024Zugänge der Analytischen Psychologie zum Thema Narzissmus
Artikel in Publikation: e-Journal der ÖGAP: 11. Jahrgang, 2024 (27.02.2024)
2022Diplomarbeit an der Gesellschaft für Analytische Psychologie (ÖGAP):
Zugänge der Analytischen Psychologie zum Thema Narzissmus
2019Hymiskviða – Thorlied innerhalb der Götterlieder der Älteren Edda.
Artikel in Publikation: Nordische Mythen – Betrachtung aus Sicht der analytischen Psychologie nach C. G. Jung (22.01.2020), Hsg.: Åsa Liljenroth-Denk
Erschienen im Verlag  Buchschmiede
2017agenetworkNarzissmus – Die Kränkungen des Alters
Bei Interesse an Publikationen, bitte um contacting


seit 2024 Studieren in Österreich – Qualitätszirkel Team deutsche Kassen
since 2022 IAAP – International Association for Analytical Psychology
since 2019 PTBD - Psychotherapeutical Emergency Service
since 2018 ÖBVP - Austrian Federal Association for Psychotherapy
since 2018 WLP - Vienna State Association for Psychotherapy
since 2017 ÖGAP  - Austrian Society for Analytical Psychology

"The salutary effect can finally only take place from one human being to another."

- Jung, Jaffé 1973, vol. 3, p. 284